Membership & Donations


Rights & Inclusion Australia's membership consists largely of individuals and organisations from Australia. We also have several international members, drawn to R&IA by our focus on issues of accessibility in the built environment and in technology.

All stakeholders including people with a disability, advocates, DPOs, NGOs, government agencies and related professionals are invited to join R&IA and actively participate in the strategic planning and implementation of our rights and inclusion programs.

Through membership you will benefit from:

  • Association and active engagement with a DPO which has led and continues to lead in the push for mandated, regulated accessible housing across Australia
  • Involvement in a small but highly innovative DPO which values and actively promotes entrepreneurship amongst people with disability
  • Resources and links from our website
  • Regular eNewsletters and eBulletins
  • Opportunities for engagement at an international level through information, forum attendance and training invitations sent via the PDF
  • Voting rights and the opportunity to represent R&IA as a board member in various national and international events



Please consider making a donation to RI Australia Network (trading name Rights & Inclusion Australia). Currently 100% of donation proceeds go to the Rights & Inclusion Australia Gift Fund, which are used to resource the Sue Salthouse Grant for the support of small and fledgling businesses owned and operated by Australians with disability.

R&IA is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as a deductible gift recipient for charity tax concessions and donations. Refer: ACNC Registration

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