The Opening the Door project aims to support people with disability to achieve choice and control with their housing options, including through:
- Developing and sharing online resources. You can access these from other project pages to the Opening the Door drop down menu. You can find some useful resources here.
- Forums designed to both share information and gather experiences
- Support existing and establish new peer networks.
The project is drawing to a close with a range of resources to be finalised for publication. These will be published, along with other existing materials, at the Let's talk Opening Doors website here. This incudes videos on a range of housing issues from the Lunchtime Conversations held in 2024.
You can find out more about the Opening the Door project here.
Why this project?
The features of the social and physical environment play a key role in the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of all community members. For many people with disability, the everyday impact of these features can be particularly challenging – even more so when different aspects of a person’s identity can expose them to overlapping forms of discrimination and marginalisation.
We all have to deal with the complexities of the housing system. Various conventions, including the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), outline the rights to adequate housing for all people, including those with disability. Article 19 of the CRPD notes:
- Persons with disabilities have the right to choose how and with whom they live.
- Persons with disabilities have the right to the full range of in-home and community supports to realise and sustain their living arrangement of choice and more broadly for social and community inclusion and participation.
Exercising these rights is often not so straightforward. Key issues that we note for people with disability include:
- Inadequate housing supply – for example, through general undersupply of housing; housing unaffordability; inappropriate housing design; and, discrimination in the housing rental sector.
- Inadequate allowance for housing arrangements to be developed around a person – for example, through the tethering of the provision and management of paid support with the provision and management of housing (e.g., with group homes); and, through a lack of opportunities for people to meet and share housing with people that they want to live with.
- Difficulties in navigating the housing system and other adjacent systems (disability, community services, health, legal, financial, etc.) to achieve suitable, sustainable housing outcomes. People need to have choice and control with their housing options. This includes through straightforward access to reasonable and necessary supports – be it through the NDIS, My Aged Care or mainstream services.
Project Partners
and the state & territory members of National Shelter
Project funding is through the Australian Government’s Information, Linkages & Capacity Building program.
Introductory Videos
View the following videos to learn more about the Opening the Door project, as well as for an overview of the Australian housing context. You can find links to referenced websites below the video's. Easy Read guides are also in development for each video – Similarly written descriptions to any slide shown in a video are in development - links to these are provided where available.
Introduction to the Opening the Door project (Video 1)
What is Adequate Housing (Video 2)
Video 2 Easy Read Guide (Word version) – Video 2 Easy Read Guide (PDF version)
Links noted to video
Note – these links will take you to an external website
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
United Nations Resources and Publications on the Right to Adequate Housing
Universal Human Rights Instruments
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
Australian Human Rights Commission - Human Rights Explained
Fact sheet 7: Australia and Human Rights Treaties
Opening the Door - Overview of our Forums (Video 3)
Note: Forum formats changing partly due to COVID, with more of an online focus.
Easy Read Guide coming soon
Opening the Door - Peer Groups and Education (Video 4)
Easy Read Guide coming soon
Australian Housing Context - Overview (Video 5)
Easy Read Guide coming soon
Australian Housing Context - Housing Continuum (Video 6)
Easy Read Guide coming soon
Australian Housing Context - Owning your own home (Video 7)
Easy Read Guide coming soon
Australian Housing Context - Private Rentals (Video 8)
Easy Read Guide coming soon
Links noted to video
Note – these links will take you to an external website
National Association of Tenant Organisations (NATO) - listing of State and Territory-based tenants’ unions and tenant advice services across Australia
Australian Housing Context - Social Housing (Video 9)
Easy Read Guide coming soon
Australian Housing Context - Homelessness Services (Video 10)
Easy Read Guide coming soon